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Nevil Wayland's Records from the Revolutionary War

Updated: Oct 19, 2021

Once I discovered I could obtain copies of Nevil's Revolutionary War papers, I wrote off for them to the state of South Carolina. They sent me copies of 32 or 33 documents. I transcribed them. That transcription is found below.

South Carolina

Pursuant to an act of the General Assembly passes the 16th of March, 1783. We the Commissioners of the Treasury, have this day delivered to Mr. Navil Wayland this our indented certificate, for the sum of five pounds, fourteen shillings and three pence farthing Sterling duty done in Roebucks Regiment [note: looks like “fs af dudites” -- from henceforth I will place words I can‘t make out in brackets, with what it looks like inside those brackets]

He said Navil Wayland, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, will be entitled to receive from this office the sum of eight shillings on demand for one year’s interest on the principle sum of five pounds, fourteen shillings and three pence farthing and the like interest annually.

The said Navil Wayland, his executors, Administrators, or Assigns, will be entitled also to receive and shall be paid, if demanded, the sum of five pounds, fourteen shillings, and three pence shilling on the [too faint] September 1788.. And the said Navil Wayland, his executioners, administrators, or assigns may make any purchases at any public sales of confiscated property (except such as shall be ordered by the Legislature for special purposes) and this indent shall be received in payment.

For the true performance of the several payments in manner above mentioned, the public treasury is made liable, and the faith of the state pledged by the aforesaid act.

Given under our hands at the treasury office in Charlestown, the twenty second day of September, one thousand seven hundred and eighty six.

Peter Bocquet,

Commisioners of the Treasury

L 5. 14. 3 ¼ principle [note: L for pound symbol -- keyboard not set up for English monetary units]

L 0.2 annual interest

No. 3770

book x.

Received 2d October 1786 three years interest in the within indent.

Samuel Earle

Received 9th March, 1787 from the [?Commissioner?] of the Treasury. Full satisfaction for this indent by direction the [unreadable]

Nevil Wayland [note: he signed it himself in good handwriting, no “x” in place of his name -- Nevil was educated and could write well].

Cancelled 3770 = x

South Carolina department of Archves and History

Stub entries to indents issued in payment of Claims against South Carolina growing out of the Revolution. Book

X -- Part I.

Edited by A. S. Salley, Jr., Secretary of the Historical Commission of South Carolina. Printed for the Historical Commission of South Carolina by the state company, Columbia, SC. Reference Library, South Carolina Department of Archives & History.

p. 202 -- Issued 3d, March 86 to Mr. Nevil Wayland for L 15 sterling duty as a horseman [] a/from Commrs. Principle L 15..-.. Interest L 1..1

Book X -- Part II

No. 3770 book X. Issued the 22nd September 1786 to Mr. Nevil Wayland for five pounds fourteen Shilliings for duty done in roebucks Regiment. Account audited. Principle L 5..14..3 ¼. Interest 0.. 8.0.

Books Y-Z

No. 1046 Book Y. Issued the first march 1786 to Mr. Nevil Wayland for thirty pounds seven shillings and 8d sterling for beef del’d. for pub: use in 1780 also for wages &c. Two accounts audited &c. Principle L 30..7..8 ½ interest …2..2..6. [note: 3 names past his is mentioned Geo. Cogdill (Cheraw District) for bushels of corn he delivered].

No. 1274 Lib. Y. Issued 5 June 86 to Nevil Wayland L 14..17.. 1 ½ stg for waggoning provs. for the troops at the Indian Line from the commrs. interest 20 / 9.

1. Nearly unreadable -- will come back to it. (keep these separate from those that I am done with tanscribing)

Received full satisfaction for the ? ? ?due him? ? ? ? ? Nevil Wayland

2. The State of South Carolina. To Nevil Wayland, by Captain James Moore. Appointed [] commissary [the rest unreadable for now]

To 26 [] wagoner of provisions to the troops stationed on the Indian line 302?5 from [ ] South Carolina.

South Carolina 96 District. Whereas Nevil Wayland came before me and made oath according to law that the two accounts above stated against the state is true and true & that he never took any part thereof. Sworn to before this 26th of May, 1788 James [ ].

I do humbly verify that Nevil Wayland was appointed by one Commisary for the troops stationed on the Indian line and that the above wagoning was done for the services of the said troops. Wofford.

Received 9th March 1787 from the comm. of the Treasury five pounds [?9/8?] in part of the within by Distc in the purchase of leases2 5..9.8 Nevil Wayland.

14: 17: 1

5: 9: 8

9: 7: 5

15: 6

10: 2: 11

Recd 9th March 1787 from the Comms. of the Treasury, full satisfaction for the within indent, by disct. in the purchase of lands.

Cancelled, N1274, book Y

8290 Wayland, Nevil [Navil], Nevill, Neville

10464 “95 1 Mar 86 30 7 8

212 13 8




Nevil Wayland

for amount of the [?accsual?]

charge curr y L 10,538.9

said to be p. Mr. Wayland 7,770.8.6

Bal L 2,768:0.6

which [] depreciation

In dep 76 or 3,233 q o ?


[] 12..4..7.4

Twelve pounds 4 shell 6 [?deven?] pence farthing

Neither certified nor [?attested?]


Next page -- similar but totally unreadable, a lot of numbers, book keeping. Please note every time I use “L” it is the “pound sign” -- English monetary unit.


Nevil Wayland

John M. [?McCate?] Esq.

Auditor General


Pd. Tyger River the 19th Sept. 1785

In respect to my account which I took out of your office in order to get [?certified?] after applying to Colonel Thomas for an [?afsertion?]. I could not get it done for at the time of my acting upon the Line he was in the camps and therefore a stranger to my proceedings, but Colonel Wafford who was then in command and present at the time of my appointment is ow living in Nth Carolina and not in any power to go to for a certificate. Therefore for your further satisfaction I send you my orders from under the hand of Robert McWhorter who had his orders from Capt. Moore.over [?Cittor?] respecting the Beeves there is no person can certify, as capt. Moore is not in [?living/being?] and none of our officers is acquainted with our connections.

I must further acquaint you Sir that the [?assump?] time from under Capt. Moores own hand dated 3rd of December 1779 was [?sontrastes?] within the dates of the waggoning that is from the first of may 1779 to the 21st of August. Therefore I repeat the depreciation to take place at that time, otherwise I shall be a great [?loo---?] and it will be likewise very unjust, [?icing?] my account was not returned to Capt. Moore till the date of the assumption. This was contracted in a much earlier date, but I expect to have equity done me, as Capt. Moore the only person who could certify for me is dead, therefore it now lies in your breast, so I remain your most obedient and very humble servant,

Nevil Wayland. 30 Sept 1785.

96 V 8 [Jun/Jan?] 1780

This I have long expected your beef cattle being promised [?we?] have neglected to provide other cattle until they have fallen away [---] if they have [---] higher in [?price?] [---several words unreadable---] is [---] I am willing to [---several words unreadable---] is going [---] 10 or 12 fallen [---] [---] the [?esepius?] on the road. Pray don’t fail me the cattle as im doing that you disappoint the troops for want of {---} to march on. [?] You can go home by the 16th [?instrast?] I will wait till then. Your comm[--]. I will [?leve/have?] a man is [?etle?] will you, by my intsance and may you mannage I will have your monny that is due you which I will pay you. Nevil Wayland

Nevil Wayland

? Six [?around?] immediately [---] about sixty steers as cheap as you can and have drivers to come with you to me with the beves & I will pay for them when delivered on {---} next. Can’t the 26th [---] will also pay the drivers that come with you. From under my hand this 19th day of Nov., 1779.

James Moore


According to order to me given from James Moor General Commisary for the [?fonding?] provision for the use of the Frontiers in general, I do hereby appoint Nevile Wayland in my behalf to purchase provision for the said frontiere and do engage the pay of debts which he shall contract on that account given under my hand this 19th day of June 1779.

Robert A. McWharter


P46y Mar 86 95

Nevil Wayland

For 8 beeves sold by Will’m. Nevil, on his acc 6/ for public use in February 1780 -- 30 days wages for himself as to be as to agreement, also for provisions for calves beeves horses in the road the whole charges.

Salary 3,288

And purse 10


A 32/6 as a purse of ?5.359..5

Which to dep in febry 1780 ? 14757 ? Cl in …. 127.1.8..?


Eighteen pounds three shillings and one penny farthing. This only the first charge is [??] that is in the comm of w [?crast?] see his letter -- see [?pr?ding?] the remainder ? ? ? ? I am the ??

??Mc??? [probably Robert McWharter]


Captain James Moore commanding general for the district of 96 in behalf of the state of South Carolina, to Nevil Wayland

Feb 5 1780

To 8 beeves delivered by William [?Neal?] on my acct as [?] field’s person’s [?] 2,450

To my own wages as of a [unreadable] 30 days (12 dollars a day) 0,360

To provisions for beeves & horses first [?] 0,049


The whole [?] including the drivers wages 0, 439

and [?] on the load is 3,288

add 10

State of S Carolina, 96 District

[?] Nevil Wayland came before me ???? That the above acct as it stands state in part and [?]

[?] to before this the 27th May 1781.

James Moore

February the 5[?]80

Then received of Wm Niel eight beef cattle bought by order of Capt Jas Moore for use of the publick.



Mr. Nevil Wayland

Received 1 March 1786 from the Commissioner this February full satisfaction for the within ind. An indent No. 1046 Book of ?? of on order

Samuel Earles


Claim to deliver any indent with the indent due therein unto Capt. Saml Earle and you will much [?].

Your humble servant,

Nevil Wayland

The 19-7-1786

To the Commissioner of the Treasury of S. Carolina Certified by Tho. Wodsworth


10464 95 1 Mar 86

30 7 8

212 13 8




Nevil Wayland

For the amount of the account L 10,538.9 said to be per Mr. N Wayland. 7,770.8.6

Bal. L 2,768.0.6

With depreciation in Dec 76 3,233 qd.

85.12.3 ½

12.4.7 ¼

Twelve pounds four shill. and seven pence farthing

Neither certified nor attested

J. M. [James Moore]

The [?] to Nevil Wayland

To b appointed [?]


Neither certified nor att???? [very little is readable]


[Mr. Nevil Wayland, small slip with numbers on it, mostly unreadable, similar to a receipt]


From a book on South Carolina patriots

Wayland, Nevil; While residing on the Tyger River, he entered the service as a wagoner during May, 1779. He served under Col.’s Wofford and Thomas. He hauled provisions to the troops on the Indian line. In addition, he served under Capts. John Collins, John Nesbitt, and Col. Roebuck. South Carolina Roster, p. 973

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