Was There Ever an Age of Magic?
Dromgoole 3 -- The Melungeon Tree and Its Four Branches
Dromgoole 2 -- The Melungeons; Mar.1891
Dromgoole 1 -- A Strange People; Sep. 1890
Some of Richard Hathcock's Research
Nevil Wayland's Records from the Revolutionary War
Before You Start, Educate Yourself on Basic Research Techniques
Melungeons; My Wayland's & Gibson's; and Excerpts from Dr. Carlson's PhD Dissertation
Melungeons ARE Mixed Catawban -- NOT Mixed Gypsy!
Catawban Surnames that Might have Appeared in Indian Territory in the 1890s
What Muriel Hazel Wright said about the Catawba
Indian Pioneer Papers
Unresolved Issues Concerning the Western Catawba
How the Saponi Became the Melungeons
Our Family's Catawba/Saponi History
Our Family's Cherokee Heritage
Sequoyah's Mother was Wu-te-he, NOT "Wur-teh Watts"
. . . However . . . Most of My Answers will be; "How on Earth Would I Know!?"[part two]
I Can Answer Any Question You Ask about Sequoyah -- However . . . [part one]
Do Sequoyah and I descend from the same Gist line?